A strong brand ranks among a company’s most valuable marketing assets. A strategically conceived and creatively executed brand identity can not only set a company apart from its competition, but it can also become an icon synonymous with a company’s identity. (Nike swoosh, anyone?)
So how does a company ensure its brand remains not only recognizable (and relevant), but consistent?
Start With Brand Standards
What does and what does not constitute an acceptable representation of your brand? Whether your logo needs to be a certain size, can’t be rendered without its accompanying tagline or can only be used in its full-color format, their parameters need to be clearly defined. Defining brand standards doesn’t mean the look of your brand can never change, just that as it evolves all of the elements should evolve with it. Something as simple as a couple of pages of brand guidelines can go a long way in improving brand consistency.
Consider Templates for Key Documents
Whether your company frequently develops branded PowerPoint presentations, needs to generate electronic event invitations on a regular basis, or has other branded documents that a multitude of staff can customize, templates can be a valuable asset for helping to maintain brand consistency. Language/voice is a key component of this. The key is to make the branding elements in these templates stationery and offer staff the flexibility they need for copy and other assorted content.
Develop a Library of Brand Assets
Are there certain employee headshots and corporate imagery that can/cannot be used? Developing a library of key marketing assets/imagery can help to minimize brand confusion. This bank of assets should be referenced in your brand standards manual (be it list format or through a series of thumbnail images) and stored in a central repository accessible to all team members who are authorized to use these assets.
While achieving higher levels of brand consistency can be a time-intensive process, it is a critical component of maintaining brand equity. To learn more about Co-Communications’ branding services, click here.