Commercial and residential companies have a wealth of stories to tell – their own and their clients. Whether you are a design/build firm, residential brokerage agency, property management company or commercial brokerage group, a blog can play an important role in educating prospective clients.
For real estate companies who are already embracing the power of blogging to educate prospects, cultivate leads and drive conversion and sales, the key to continued s
uccess is to not only leverage past successes to inform future successes, but to consistently find new and unique ways to engage your readers with relevant, high-quality content. The question: How do you know when your blog is in need of a new angle and which approach is best?
Let Your Data Be the Guide
Website analytics can provide valuable data regarding not only what types of content are attracting people to your website, but with what types of content visitors are spending the most time. By looking at this data in the aggregate – month-over-month, year-over-year, one can identify what types of information are crowd-pleasers and what recurring features and formats are becoming stale.
Diversify Your Formatting
Images – be they photos, custom art or infographics – and videos can help online audiences to see your content through a new lens. For example, would a detailed overview of property amenities be better conveyed in a short property tour video with voiceover? Could the success story told about your firm’s restoration of a historic and iconic landmark be better conveyed through a timeline graphic with authentic before and after imagery accompanied by a short summary paragraph that encapsulates the project’s key attributes? The key is to focus on how best to deliver information to readers while maximizing its impact.
Broaden Your Author Base
While it is imperative for your blog to have a clearly-defined voice – and to ensure that voice is on brand – bringing in strategic partners, trusted advisors and third-party influencers to contribute “added value” content to your blog can be a great asset to offer one’s readers.
Keep an Eye on the Competition
Reading the content your prospective clients are also reading is important for better understanding the online marketplace in which people are looking for additional information. It can also help to identify in what types of content your online audiences are already saturated and where there may be any important knowledge/information gaps that your real estate expertise can help fill.
Whether your firm has a fledgling real estate blog or one with a rich reader base, the key is to continue providing your online audiences with relevant, high quality content that informs, engages, builds/strengthens brand trust and ultimately drives conversions.